Belgische Hecke vs. Efeuhecke - Efeuria, die Gartenhecken aus Efeu

Belgian hedge vs. ivy hedge

We want to help you choose a hedge and explain the differences between a Belgian hedge and an ivy hedge.

The Belgian Hedge

A Belgian hedge is the name given to the growth form of fruit trees that are grown diagonally across a trellis. Belgian hedges are often seen in espalier orchards. They are planted outdoors and are a precursor to fruit plantations. The Belgian hedge is more of a form of cultivation that dates back to the 19th century. In the 19th century, this form of fruit cultivation was widespread. At that time, growing your own fruit was considered a sign of wealth and independence.

Espalier fruit

A Belgian hedge usually refers to a hedge made up of deciduous or coniferous trees that was popular in Belgium or was traditionally used for hedges there. Basically, Belgian hedges can consist of different types of hedges such as beech (Fagus), hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), privet (Ligustrum), thuja (arborvitae) and others. Belgian hedges are often known for their density and special shape, which makes this hedge shape so popular. In order to maintain the special shape, they require a trellis and regular pruning to keep the beautiful shape.

Like all espalier trees, this symmetrical fan pear tree makes optimal use of the space. All branches receive the same amount of light. This increases the yield and the quality of the fruit!

A hedge on a trellis

The Belgian hedge is a form of growing hedges or fruit trees. The branches are grown along a trellis. Basically, different trellis shapes are possible, ranging from Verrier palmette, heart shape, classic Belgian hedge or even a symmetrical fan. The more complex the espalier tree you plan, the more work you need to do with pruning and tying. The form framework is not removed even in fully grown trees that can already hold the shape without support. When the tree is in leaf, the trellis disappears under the leaves of the tree. Metal frameworks, but also wire ropes or bamboo poles are conceivable as trellises.

Ivy hedge on trellis

Similar to Belgian hedges, ready-made ivy hedges grow on a trellis. These ready-made hedges are prepared on a trellis and then grown in the greenhouse. This takes between 9 and 15 months, depending on the height of the hedge.

This creates the characteristic look of the ivy hedge and the advantages that result from this type of hedge: instant privacy, space-saving and can be planted all year round. The hedge also stays in shape for its entire life because it is very easy to trim. The hedge already has a metal grid inside (trellis). This makes the hedge ideal for enclosing a property and can completely replace the wire mesh fence.

We hope that this blog post has helped you to understand the difference between the Belgian hedge and the ivy hedge. If you have any questions about ready-made ivy hedges, you can contact us at Efeuria at any time. Ivy hedges have been the most popular type of hedge for years to freshen up the modern garden and give it a new look.

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