About Us

Wir produzieren im Familienbetrieb, den nachhaltige Produktion und höchste Qualität sind uns wichtig. Deshalb nehmen wir Sie mit dorthin, wo die originalen Efeuria-Efeuhecken entstehen. Lesen Sie hier mehr.

  • Come with us on the journey of the ivy hedge and see how the ivy hedge is created in your garden. Here we grow our ivy seedlings, water them and care for them until they are big enough to be planted in our ready-made hedges. This requires a lot of patience and care.

  • The ivy plants are placed in the root pot by hand. We call the root pot Cocopot. The coconut fiber is biodegradable and decomposes completely in the soil. Incidentally, the production is designed to be inclusive , as acceptance , fairness and mutual help in dealing with diversity are particularly important to us.

  • So we build hedge after hedge every day. This creates ivy elements in different sizes. However, it takes a while until the hedges reach the appropriate size and opacity.

  • With a lot of patience, the right climate and plenty of watering, the hedge elements grow in production.

  • The end result is the unique and original Efeuria ivy hedge . Some time has passed by then and a lot of care and love has gone into the production. Only after you have placed your order is the hedge taken out of the greenhouse and delivered directly to your home. You can order your ivy hedges here.

  • Neue Click & Collect-Abholstation in München: Efeuhecken für Privat und Garten- und Landschaftsbauer

    Neue Click & Collect-Abholstation in München: E...

    Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass wir auf die zahlreichen Anfragen unserer Münchner Kunden reagieren und eine neue Click & Collect-Abholstation in München eingerichtet haben. Ab sofort können...

    Neue Click & Collect-Abholstation in München: E...

    Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass wir auf die zahlreichen Anfragen unserer Münchner Kunden reagieren und eine neue Click & Collect-Abholstation in München eingerichtet haben. Ab sofort können...

  • Pizza wie vom Italiener im eigenen Garten? Alle Fragen und Antworten zum Gaspizzaofen! - Efeuria, die Gartenhecken aus Efeu

    Pizza like from an Italian restaurant in your o...

    Do you dream of baking pizzas like the Italians do in your garden or on your patio? With a gas pizza oven, it's child's play! In today's blog post, we...

    Pizza like from an Italian restaurant in your o...

    Do you dream of baking pizzas like the Italians do in your garden or on your patio? With a gas pizza oven, it's child's play! In today's blog post, we...

  • Entdecken Sie die Solo Stove Feuerschale - Efeuria, die Gartenhecken aus Efeu

    Discover the Solo Stove fire bowl

    Discover the Solo Stove fire bowl: ideal for outdoor lovers. Find out all about its ease of use, smoke-free combustion and easy maintenance. Perfect for garden and camping!

    Discover the Solo Stove fire bowl

    Discover the Solo Stove fire bowl: ideal for outdoor lovers. Find out all about its ease of use, smoke-free combustion and easy maintenance. Perfect for garden and camping!

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