Solo Stove Pi Prime Pizzaofen, Gas Pizzaofen, Propan befeuert, Panorama-Öffnung, Edelstahl - Efeuria, die Gartenhecken aus Efeu

Rent a Pi Prime Gas pizza oven from us instead of buying

Rent the Solo Stove Gas Pizza Oven now and enjoy delicious pizzas right in your home!

Our offer includes the Pi Prime Solo Stove Gas Pizza Oven, ideal for perfect pizzas and cosy evenings. The oven comes with a pizza peel so you can get started right away.

Solo Stove Pi Prime Pizzaofen, Gas Pizzaofen, Propan befeuert, Panorama-Öffnung, Edelstahl - Efeuria, die Gartenhecken aus Efeu

Enjoy pizza at parties or birthdays

Rent the latest model of Solo Stove flexible from us during the week or over the weekend.

Price table plus VAT.

Monday to Thursday: 40,00 € per day
Friday to Sunday: €50.00 per day
Friday to Sunday: 100,00 € per weekend

Only with self-collection in Munich. Shipping possible on request.


Contact us for availability and your reservation

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